Balanced metabolism


How often do you think about your heart as the organ that drives you and means life? If you're facing high blood pressure, high cholesterol, excess weight, or if you suffer from metabolic syndrome, we understand how you feel.
Understanding your concerns, we offer you Cardiofit. A scientific study has been conducted on the Cardiofit product, involving 500 patients and several esteemed names in the field of medicine, including Prof. Dr. Zelija Velija-Ašimi, Prof. Dr. Bećir Heljić, Prof. Dr. Azra Bureković, Mr. Sci. Dr. Vanja Karlović, Prim. Dr. Azra Avdagić, and Prim. Dr. Murisa Ćemalović.
15 KM
or order by phone +387 36 757 111
Inspired by nature

Cardiofit cocktail is a dietary supplement entirely inspired by nature and ingredients used since ancient times. It contains concentrated wild apple juice, vinegar, wild garlic, nettle, and organically grown lemon juice.

It's a natural product, a cocktail of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, and a whole range of other beneficial nutrients, and is fully organically certified.

In the creation of Cardiofit, the latest cold processing technology is used, preserving all the beneficial elements contained in its ingredients. Fermentation is carried out under strict temperature conditions and lasts at least fifteen months.

Cardiofit cocktail is a natural multivitamin and multimineral complex, and besides these, it contains enzymes and amino acids. It contains vitamins: A and C, B group vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, and B15, nicotinamide, pantothenic acid, folic acid), vitamin K, and minerals potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, fluorine, iron, sulfur, manganese, and traces of copper.

Among nitrogen compounds, it predominantly contains amino acids: aspartic, alanine, hydroxyproline, methylproline, and essential amino acids. Cardiofit's composition also includes various sugars: fructose, glucose, sucrose, and sorbitol, as well as sugar derivatives of sterols. Other significant nutrients in the Cardiofit cocktail are fruit acids, polyphenols, tannin, bioflavonoids, pectin, fatty acids, proteins, essential oils, plant fibers, and several enzymes.

Organic Product

(BA-BIO-101) Non-EU Agriculture

Organic Control

Strictly controlled organic production conditions


Certified in accordance with halal standards


Food safety through analysis and control

ISO 9001

Quality management certificate

ISO 14001

Standard for sustainability and environmental protection

Essential Components of Cardiofit Cocktail


Wild apple's value comes from fruit acids and polyphenols. Polyphenols have antioxidant properties that prevent the negative effects of free radicals leading to hypertension, atherosclerosis, cancer, and slow down the aging process. Malic acid lowers blood cholesterol, making it one of the best means for regulating body weight and a whole range of metabolic functions.


Nettle in Cardiofit is present both as leaf and root, as both parts of the plant are extremely healthy and rich in vitamins and minerals. Due to its high potassium concentration, nettle leaf has a mild diuretic effect, and nettle root is rich in proteins.


Lemon in Cardiofit beneficially affects the body's oxidation-reduction processes and gives strength and elasticity to blood vessels, maintains normal blood pressure, and acts preventively against heart attack, stroke, and other diseases. It reduces cholesterol and fats in the blood and prevents their deposition on blood vessel walls, prevents platelet coagulation, and dilutes fibrin.


Wild garlic in Cardiofit's composition contains numerous sulfur compounds known to activate liver enzymes responsible for expelling toxins from the body. Wild garlic shows twelve times stronger effects than cultivated garlic.

The positive effects of Cardiofit cocktail have been
confirmed by a clinical study.

The positive effects of Cardiofit have been confirmed by a clinical study. The study - work for the Cardiofit cocktail preparation was conducted from 10.04.2013 to 26.07.2013 at the Clinic for Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolic Diseases of the UKC Sarajevo. (Journal of Health Sciences, volume 4, Number 3, December 2014.- The role of natural supplement of apple vinegar and syrup in the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus) During the research, age, patient gender, and biochemical parameters were monitored, and clear results were established. What is statistically significant to highlight is Cardiofit's impact on a significant decrease in total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol fraction in patients' blood. Also, it's important to note the decrease in body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference, as these two parameters were significantly reduced. Cardiofit's effectiveness on glucoregulation wasn't significantly noted, but blood pressure was significantly reduced by 14% compared to the initial values of all patients. A significant decrease in triglyceride levels is particularly emphasized, which represents an absolute indication for including this preparation in patients with blood triglyceride level disorders.
Esteemed doctors who participated in the study:
In the Service of Health

Why use and how does Cardiofit work?

Cardiofit is an excellent dietary supplement, and quality dietary supplements are a necessary part of the strategy in preventing metabolic syndrome, one of the serious health problems of the modern world.

Positively affects the reduction of bad cholesterol.

Effectively works on reducing blood pressure.

Acts on reducing body weight.


Cardiofit cocktail prevents metabolic syndrome, which is actually a multi-component disease resulting from a combination of lifestyle and environmental factors, and some populations have shown genetic predisposition to developing this syndrome.

Traditional factors associated with metabolic syndrome are: obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension, hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, and microalbuminuria.

Cardiofit's target of action is primarily obesity, elevated blood pressure, and fat metabolism disorders, thanks to the action of essential oils and other sulfur-containing compounds.

How to use Cardiofit?

For maximum effect, we recommend taking it for six weeks, twice daily, thirty ml in the morning and evening after meals.

After that, continue taking it once daily after a meal. Consume Cardiofit diluted with water.

The combination of proper nutrition, exercise, and the use of Cardiofit has shown a strong positive effect on almost all components of metabolic syndrome, one of the serious health problems of the modern world.

Therefore, Cardiofit cocktail proudly stands at the very top of the pyramid of quality dietary supplements, aimed at preserving your health for many years to come!

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Order Cardiofit cocktail
and strengthen your heart and body!

One package (500 ml.)

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